Umbrella Insurance

Umbrella Insurance in Sugar Land, Texas

Avoid high dollar liability with an umbrella insurance policy to protect your assets

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Why Umbrella Insurance?

Regular insurance can go a long way towards protecting your assets, but it cannot always give you the protection you need. Most policies have dollar limits, after which you are completely liable. If you cannot afford the penalties, you may face crippling amounts of debt. Your property might be repossessed. Umbrella insurance coverage can protect you from this.

Umbrella insurance is extra liability insurance. Just like the name implies, this insurance sits on top of your other policies like an umbrella, and takes care of what your insurance policies cannot cover. If your auto insurance policy gives you $100,000 of liability insurance, umbrella insurance can cover damages that exceed that amount. Best of all, umbrella insurance applies to all liability. It can cover your needs in auto insurance, homeowner’s insurance, landlord’s insurance, and more. If you need umbrella insurance coverage, or simply have questions about it, call Gulledge Insurance at 281-207-0771 today.

Who Needs Umbrella Insurance Coverage

In the past, average people have not needed umbrella insurance. Umbrella insurance was for wealthy people to protect their extensive and valuable assets. In today’s litigious society, however, it is a good idea for everyone to have it. If you get into a car accident and you’re at fault, your regular insurance may not be sufficient to cover all your expenses, especially if you have to go to court. Your personal assets could be seized in a lawsuit. If someone slips and falls on your property or someone dives into the shallow end of your pool and hits their head, you could face extensive liability damages. There are innumerable situations in which you may face liability. However, an umbrella insurance policy pays for lawyers, legal expenses, and other costs. Some umbrella coverage policies can add up to $5 million in coverage, bringing you peace of mind.

Learn More about Umbrella Insurance

If you are interested in umbrella insurance, it is important to find the best coverage. A family-owned and -operated agency, Gulledge Insurance can find the right coverage for you. We are not employed by an insurance company or brokerage, leaving us free to find the best policy to suit your needs. Umbrella insurance is important, and good coverage can save you from bankruptcy and crippling debt. If you live in Sugar Land and are interested in umbrella insurance, call Gulledge Insurance at 281-207-0771 today.

For all of your Sugar Land insurance needs, call Loren Gulledge 281-207-0771